Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back to Madrid

Pink guy was JNel's fav!
Our tickets! Only five euros!

Bullfighting arena.


We had to do it.

Plaza Mayor.

Atocha train station or "jungle" as Joel calls it.


There is a fountain behind us...

What a babe! This looks photoshopped!

One wedding photo...better ones to come in rome.

Photo from our romantic stroll in the park.

The day started much later than usual (8:30!)as the two of us actually...strangely...slept. It was a morning like most of the others though with our delicious toast and cereal for breakfast. Janelle's computer was not working and Joel was doing everything in his power to try to fix it-to no avail. After realizing the computer business was going nowhere, they took off on a journey to nowhere in particular. We printed of our boarding passes for Rome and bought our train tickets to Alicante. But before buying train tickets, we went to the most amazing sight see(in Joel's opinon) since the start of their trip. We went to a public park and there were many cool fountains, greens, and other extravagent flowers and such to make the perfect setting. We had many amazing pictures to show the perfect views for the park. After the park was when we went to Atocha to print off our train tickets. It was a station unlike any other, there was a jungle inside, yes, a jungle. It was interesting and there were a billion and a half turtles living inside of it. But with everything of future importance out of the way, the two of us were hungry and on the prowl for something delicious. After passing up pricey (Spanish) restaurants, they had almost given up hope under the beaming sun at any chance of food; until suddenly, there it was, the most beautiful restaurant they had seen, Dominos! The two of us shared a delicous meal with pepperoni pizza and you can pretty much say we are getting the true taste of Spanish food...NOT. But, the two of us did discover after complaining for a week now that there is more Americanized food a block away from us, don't judge us :) We then continued to walk after lunch and passed by many souvenir shops. We then arrived at the most plaza in Spain, Plaza Mayor. The day was jam packed with walking and lots of traveling so we burned off the pizza-that one is for you dad. After that we came back to the hostel to cool down for a bit and then off we went to the bull fight. Joel found it entertaining for the first two "fights", but then it got old. Janelle thought that they were cruel and could see why the bull fights were "debated" in Spain. It was a good day for the most part. Now we are headed off to bed and hoping to have a good day tomorrow like the exploration day that we had today.
Note from Janelle: Spain is like a drug. The more you see, the more you want. I'm thinkin mom and dad should just pay for Janelle to stay here this year and I'll come back and work and go to school next year. Deal? Okay! We'll call it a "life exploration."


  1. Janelle and Joel,
    It sounds like you guys are having a great time. I absolutely love the pictures and the scenery. I am sorry you guys were woke up at 3am. It is part of traveling I guess. I have some great news for you guys. I guess really for Joel. Hogan won both Saturday and Sunday's race. He really did great. Dad and I went both days and watched him. He really has talent in bike racing. Tomorrow Dad, Jason, Colleen and I are going to Wisconsin for two days. My mom will be really excited. We are going to surprise her. I hope you guys continue to have a great trip and we will continue to watch out for your blogs. Be safe and have fun!
    I love you,

  2. Congrats Hogan! Are you single?? Love, Janelle. ha I'm jealous the four of you are going to see Grandma! I'm sure she'll show you her new photo frame! You should show her the blog once you get there. Are you staying in our usual hotel? $1 sundaes across the street! JNelly wants to Skype Jas about Vegas so make him get on!! PS since you didn't respond earlier, does this mean you're paying for me to stay here?? :)
